Despite maybe this site is in extinction, we will give perhaps a last breath:
What would to whether the overnight, Mankind vanished from the face of the Earth ? How long endure an our work and our impact on the environment? How do you fix to the world without us? This intriguing premise is raised in this lí time line, where we see what would happen to the legacy of humanity-the good and bad, over the years.
In his book "The World Without Us " journalist Alan Weisman speculated scientific rigor traffic on how long an endure on Earth traces left by man, and thus analyze the impact of the actions of mankind on the environment from a new and original perspective.
Centered in a city of New York hypothetically devoid of all human life, the work of Alan Weisman discusses , year after year, century after century, millennium after millennium even in peri ll of millions of years, the consequences of the sudden disappearance of human beings. The book offers a valuable tool to reflect on the important role we played in the concert of nature, and what we do to leave a legacy worthy of our time on earth. Let
in detail the evolution over time of a world without us.
2 days: Just 48 hours after the disappearance of humanity, the underground New York hopelessly flooded due to disruption of water pumping systems.
7 days: The supply of emergency fuel for generators to cool the nuclear reactor core, completely exhausted.
1 year: Across the globe, more than one million birds each year to survive off the warning lights of towers and communications antennas , and on cooling the high voltage cables. The animals begin to slowly return to the vicinity of nuclear power plants burned or melted, as it descends radiation.
3 years: Because of the lack of heat, burst pipe as the city of the most as frivolous. Gas leaks cause massive fires that can only be turned off by heavy rain. The buildings start to creak, cracks and structures become unstable. The lack of a warm environment to cause the disappearance of the cockroaches in temperate cities, after one or two winters.
10 years Erosion caused by leaks and the combined action of the elements end up collapsing a large number of roofs of houses.
20: iron columns supporting the saw railways as carriers of New York are completely corroded. The Panama Canal away by the advance of vegetation and Americas are united again. Vegetables are broken up again become unpalatable species.
100: With the demise of the ivory trade, the half million survivors elephants a century ago, has multiplied by twenty. The populations of small predators , raccoons, weasels, foxes-are in decline and in danger of extinction due to the emergence of a new highly voracious and relentless competitor: the old cat.
300 years: Suspension bridges end collapse. The walls of numerous dams no longer resist the lack of maintenance and leakage of water flooded nearby towns.
500 years: The city suburbs are invaded by forests. Trees grow through the remains of utensils, appliances and tools kitchen aluminum and stainless steel.
15 thousand years: The walls of New York and other big cities finally succumb to the advancing glaciers. The only structures that remain relatively intact in the world are underground, for example, the tunnel of the Channel.
35 thousand years: lead waste polluted the environment during the time when humans still walked the Earth, so degraded and could be absorbed by nature. For other compounds, such as cadmium, have to wait another 75 thousand years.
100 thousand years: levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere back to the existing values \u200b\u200bbefore the demise of humanity (although this may may take a little longer.)
250 thousand years: radiation levels of plutonium contained in nuclear bombs (which housings for corrosion gone many, many millennia before) are eventually absorbed by the ground and no longer pose a pleasant .
2 million years this time, it is possible that some microbes have evolved enough to degrade the plastic products and feed them.
7.2 million years The remains of some architectural works (statues, monuments) are still standing, if not destroyed by earthquakes or floods. Many monkeys toxic chemical produced by humans (PCB , dioxins, etc.). to them yet retain their deadly power.
10.2 million years The bronze sculptures are still recognizable .
3000 million years persists Life on Earth, but in ways that we can not even imagine.
4500 million years The half million tons of uranium-238 present only in the United States, less than half of its life cycle. The Earth begins to warm due to the expansion of the Sun, at least for a billion years, life forms are dominant microorganisms, such as the beginnings of life on the planet.
6500 million years Earth melts under the influence of the Sun, which has already absorbed the other inner planets, marking the inevitable end of our planet.
All Eternity: Fragments of radio communications and television broadcast for Humanity during their brief stay on planet Earth, continue to travel through space as only trace of our remote existence.
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