The Odyssey: A student enrolled? As shown in the schedule on the website of the faculty, 18 20 August 19 and played make online registration, but did not mention the date of delivery of papers at the instant deduction was that it was going to take the 17 ... Fatal error .... The friendly clash with us cordially answered zapataso face (figuratively of course) to say they had no papers to several students confused by this fact.
What had intrigued us was the fact that he had passed the entrance examination but some notes are not presented in Orce, so it was thought that still did not close the cycle (and think about it = D) This was confirmed to us through mails by the Student Center. You could start the process enrollment until the total surrender of notes so that uncertainty had to spend 40 years wandering in the desert towards the promised tuition with the promise that 24 whether or if they began school (The 40-year time result in Lima to 2 days ).... to the delight of many told by email that the schedule would come out on Wednesday 19 through the website of the faculty, that day in the morning did not publish anything -.- but anyway got some good news: it came to complete the minutes and sent an email saying that enrollment began on 24. Orce came out very strange in the system of registration and also showed the time, but it was in 2009 I! -_-, Although some of believed and were happy because he was not crossed their 7 courses + 1 elective schedules ... 2009II recently came to light on Friday morning, everyone started jumping on one foot to build our schedule until we look at ... an insignificant detail, the accounts of Orce not open, we figured it was because the system was ready for registration ... the problem is that Orce is what determines what day and time began enrollment for each student as Friday we will not be left open in expectation of Monday, the first day of registration, see the time recently that it was up to each while enrolled = /, a story not so happy but was taken in a very mature, begin to that it would be if not on Monday opened Orce ... and so was ¬ ¬ (no more back talk U_U), Orce if opened on Monday 24, at 11am = D peeeeeeero single out the registration notice anything = / to 12:45 pm they left the group ... all so that after a walk on the faculty page ... we realize the errata regarding schedules. I think it was necessary because there were certain inconsistencies in the original schedule
Someone had to unfold in the UNI anything is possible xD! For some it was as good as Tin that correction, which occurred in 8 courses crossing -.- but could support ... of not because at 3pm enrollment groups were changed and was a statement announcing the registration Orce serious 25 and 26, 27 to lag. Were rotated every group tuition, for Wednesday, but could not be entangled ... do you? = D
Engineer Sanchez is about to graduate ...
Rule: Never underestimate the chaos of the university system because it ...!! Something curious was the finding of a link to view the 2009 schedules II through
Just to run into ...
(as in practice this basic 2 ...
Totaaaaalmente blank -.-) Returning to the thread, our good friend Panda Wednesday had already been registered when derrepente decides to take a step page the power to discover that ... there was a Corrigenda 2! and although only had 13 credits now had 3 hours of crossing which would probably be refined to only 10 credits ... (Do not spit into the sky ... that enrollment drops = /)
For this and much more ... (do not come to enroll for this Christmas = D! Orce Spare me the plop and other emoticons X_x) ... is certainly proud to be UNI.
But something tells me this is not over ... hopefully I'm wrong = /
Greetings Panda, Tin, Laurel and Ulysses, the main character of the Odyssey, I know I already have committed suicide Orce formality so much ^ ^
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