Something that always amazed me was the way in which Peruvians gathered in groups, so amical, companionship at its best ... to see every match of the selection -_-national, I assume that the dream of seeing and living a victory that would lead to global, is it that we crave to taste what our parents or grandparents came to know as common in your culture? Inherited a thirst "unfortunately we can not satisfy? Where were the plays of Cubillas? Maturana? The Cuto? Johnny?
The only transcendent plays and come to see were these:
(... and football is not ^ ^)
But more surprising is .. . who am I talking about football?! x_X Everything has a reason be (except how to play ... Luis Kun, by the way, Why did you do?!) , and that's because after watching the match Argentina vs Peru (not that it is masochistic, but there was nothing to watch on TV, seriously!) I can only say ... I never saw a former World Cup swim in the grass =)

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