In another of the many times that I have enough morning for being late to class, I found something curious, the story of the year, which will change the rotation axis of the world ... for our code. Yes Sir, M4tsu passed without board a course !...... ya, ya, seriously, mining waste is "the feeling of intercolleras team" ...
do not know whether to be proud of my code or be ashamed for not being aware of this cataclysmic news ... and we went ... of methenamine and sport to mining tailings Tailings ... that difference ... I will mourn guys, it's almost like going to the world ... and leaving me to fuck, he really is incredible, congratulations.
In another section, ignauguraron the lights on the floor of our beloved faculty, the rector came with a delegation and was a friendly match between the team of the teachers, Geo Sport against the new sensation, Relave Sport (if not why not I learned of how well it would Relave = /).
do not know whether to be proud of my code or be ashamed for not being aware of this cataclysmic news ... and we went ... of methenamine and sport to mining tailings Tailings ... that difference ... I will mourn guys, it's almost like going to the world ... and leaving me to fuck, he really is incredible, congratulations.
In another section, ignauguraron the lights on the floor of our beloved faculty, the rector came with a delegation and was a friendly match between the team of the teachers, Geo Sport against the new sensation, Relave Sport (if not why not I learned of how well it would Relave = /).
Greetings to all players of Tailings.
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