been 14 years since the last time they say, on a whim or through neglect, that one you have swollen with questions about the census process, so therefore I feel the need to explain what the TEUNI and TEFIGMM have done in 2 mails each, and there may be several more, but who reads it? ... In order for those who received no special information which they are practicing. It is important to emphasize something that the 2 groups mentioned above have stressed ad nauseum ... SI NO TE CENSUS, NO TE TUITION. Let's start . First you must access
the following link:
and select undergraduate, then put your code and choose the identity then placing the number of the document.
When you finish answering all the questions I will leave this screen
review their mail and read the emails sent by 3123290 and TEUNI TEFIGMM. Greetings
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