be by my fascination and attraction to indigenous peoples and their cultures, especially Mesoamerican among my favorite movies and favorite is "Apocalypto" director Mel Gibson. Do not I can assure you the number of times I've seen his photograph and atmosphere is fantastic. Is recorded in Nahuatl, a language I do not understand, but far from being incomprehensible, on the contrary, the more real and adds to its content.
I know that many Mexicans did not like too much cruelty and violence-related content or pre-Columbian Native American history, the proof was in the protests that began during her days by many groups of Mexican society, when he showed the film tape some years ago, but the truth is that, being in agreement or disagreement with the manner in which raised the story the director, no one know how much was cruel in reality, all we know is that part of that reality existed.

Quetzalcoatl is the name given to the Nahuatl-speaking peoples the supreme being, "Feathered Serpent." The supreme god of Western-looking, fair-skinned, bearded redhead, actually represents a duality, black and white, good and bad, peaceful and violent. This duality has another name, Tezcatlipoca, "black mirror that smokes" . Quetzalcoatl has represented the supreme being for many of the Mesoamerican cultures, for each other brother and another man, Pora the Olmecs, Toltecs, the Maya as Kukulcan, and finally to the Aztecs. The story goes that Quetzalcoatl was revered by his people, for its purity and honesty, and Tezcatlipoca appeared one day disguised as old and offered him the drink of immortality, but in reality was a maddening drink that made him lose his purity. When he awoke the next morning and found that its purity had been lost in the intoxication that caused the concoction, he went predicting that one day return.

Tezcatlipoca took his place and the people chose him as a deity of choice, which unlike its duality demanded human sacrifices, so that violence and sacrificial offerings happened to most tolerant and peaceful. The gods became more violent and its demands of society as well, which was spreading in Central America while the Nahua were conquering and subjecting other peoples. That reality is that Mel Gibson reflected in his film, which ends with the arrival of English conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes, who was mistaken for Quetzalcoatl, Moctezuma himself.
Somehow Moctezuma mistook not, was the god represented by another man similar in appearance to Quetzalcoatl, fair-skinned, bearded, red-haired, but with the difference that in the background with whom he shared affinity was with Tezcatlipoca. A god who also demanded sacrifices allowing human cannibalism, with the symbolism of blood and body of Christ. Genome affinity and violent of the gods was shared, because if they were cruel about their sacrifices also were the ones with the punishment which the Holy Inquisition required to please God.
The passage of time has left with few worshipers Tezcatlipoca, but not with their offerings, in a different way back in the form of rituals related violent death. The religious syncretism among Mexicans has diversified in beliefs to the demands of Tezcatlipoca than that of Quetzalcoatl. Faith has been mixed with violence and death to the point drugs interact with deities, and more style than the monotheistic polytheistic pre-Hispanic Catholics.
deities style "black mirror that smokes", feel comfortable in the context of drug trafficking and violence in Mexico today, where it seems that history is reborn , or the return of Tezcatlipoca, because like then, the culture of violence is spreading to the south to Central America or Central America, where countries such as Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua to a lesser extent, are suffering harassment drug, which is attached to extortion and cruelty. Cultural expansion that worships death and whose common thread is more significant or offering violence.

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