Despite its dissemination in the media and the evidence that we see daily on the problem climate change on the planet, it seems that we are not aware of all the real danger posed not only to the plant world and its biological systems, but also for animal world and in the first place for the human race. This is the biggest threat ever faced by humanity, as experts have warned of climate, and as recognized by the United Nations in more than one occasion. If not remedied the situation seems we are doomed to our own demise, the absence of forms of life we \u200b\u200bcurrently enjoy and the conditions allow us to develop ourselves as a species. If we do not repair, sooner rather than later, we are doomed to failure, what we call the sixth extinction on the planet.
The first human being passes by the lack of respect for the environment environment, as if it were a removable case, as if it had the importance of sustained, as if it were not so necessary and atuviésemos alternatives to choose from in the case of murder and annihilation reach our host system. Respect nature as it is with our body, our own children, our descendants who are deserving of an inheritance more responsible.

Large forest areas, the so-called green lungs, are what allow us to continue forward in our way of life and, unfortunately, every day there are fewer large areas that serve as a natural shield, we ourselves are causing global warming they become unbearable our existence on this planet who generously welcomed us and despots have done us and mistreat.

However, these projects will only serve to mitigate the climate impact at the local level, by contrast, while there is an environmental management model to develop, the interference of settlers in the reserve is causing more problems than it could be resolved with initiatives. This beautiful and vast nature reserve, which ensures oxygen to the American and the rest of the world, has been kept for centuries by ethnic Mayangnas Miskito and shared by the departments of Jinotega, Nueva Segovia and the North Atlantic Autonomous Region, in municipalities of Siuna, Rosita, Bonanza, Wasp, and San Jose Wiwilí Bocay. This natural paradise of virgin forest has an extension 20 square kilometers, almost the territory of El Salvador, and was declared by UNESCO in October 1997, a World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve. Bosawás has the best preserved forest in Central America, comprising more than 270 types of plants with attributes food, ornamental and medicinal fauna hosts over 200 species of vertebrates and invertebrates, as quetzales, scarlet macaws, harpy eagles, toucans, pumas , jaguars, tapirs, peccaries, peccaries, and other types of animals, most of which serve as food for the indigenous

War of 80 triggered a wave of Indian migrants to Honduras, which at the end of armed confrontation and return to their lands, they found that the mestizos of the Pacific coast, supported by successive governments, had invaded their damaged lands and reservation. The excuse by the institutions, regarding the arrival of settlers on the reservation, was that they were from poor families and the objective of giving the possibility of a decent livelihood, but it seems that all families installed are sufficiently poor and without resources, and to have chainsaws to clear-cutting and carrying cattle an area so deep and so difficult of access, even walking without a load. It is not known exactly how many families of settlers living inside the park, according to the Indian Territorial Government are estimated at more than one family dwelling within the area declared a Biosphere Reserve.
The truth is that, between them the house without sweeping, such as mayors permissive Siuna, Julian Gaitan, who is deaf to the issue thinking more votes than the problem, which in turn accuses the Indians to sell land without papers or documents that recognize, and with each other financial institutions to grant bank loans to develop livestock business and farming within the reserve. Nonsense Meanwhile, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, MARENA, silent, gives, while chain saws do not stop in deforestation, seriously injuring a green lung. The only people who seem to defend the Nicaraguan paradise are the six existing rangers, most of them indigenous, who share Bosawás surveillance, which means they have about 3,000 square kilometers to monitor each, with a salary of 2500 cords, a $ 125 per month, unarmed and with a precarious environmental knowledge.
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