Currently no have no doubt, it is clear where the first settlers of the Americas, as well as the steps that followed those Asian men, nomadic hunters who followed the path of large prehistoric mammals after crossing the Bering Strait. Too many years and events have happened since then to the memory of the men kept alive the historical heritage through oral tradition. You probably already have passed the 30,000 years since then, from the Pleistocene epoch, in the era of ice ages. 9,000 years later, the direct descendants of the early hunters settled in Mesoamerica. 21,000 years ago used the stone and obsidian fire, arrived with dogs. Still do not know if I used the bow and arrow to hunt or just missiles, although it seems apparent that wove ropes and fishing nets. Their lives are developed in a context archaic wild or in a transition period that would usher in the era of civilization with the birth of pottery and agriculture.
3,500 years before our era, in Mesoamerica, the man enters a new phase with the birth of agriculture and open the path of inactivity. Villagers consume and cultivate different kinds of avocados, seeds of mesquite, amaranth, pears, peppers, squash, beans, plums, cosahuico, several species of acacia and corn, the staple food and food which would bear fruit all Mesoamerican cultures and civilizations.

For all Mesoamerican cultures corn has had an important relevance to the point of relating it to their own gods and make it the main axis around which moved and evolved civilization. While in ancient Europe were cultivated wheat and barley, and in China, Japan and India rice in America Olmecs corn growing around the Middle Preclassic. To the Maya maize was the most important thing, besides being the basis of their daily diet was the cause of their astronomical and calendrical breakthroughs, which was supported religious faith and its architecture and the material with which the gods shaped their muscles and bones. Everything revolved around him, was the epicenter of the Maya world.
Being primarily farmers and depend on subsistence crops, especially maize, which became the reason for studying the events in the changing seasons, giving the utmost importance to the entry and exit of the rains. As your calendar, one of the most brilliant achievements of mankind, was due originally to the need to know the precise time when they had to dismount, contact, planting and harvesting.
religiosity also
Maya was conceived around the cultivation of corn and the deities that govern its growth: the rain gods, the gods of wind, sun gods, guardians of the milpa and plant growth, which they built large temples. Morley says "corn was the daily bread of pre-Columbian American Indian and continues to this day ". R. Girard, in Origin and development of ancient civilizations of America, 1977, also tells us that " in the heart of the region inhabited by the Mam, who are ethnological and linguistically, the oldest Mayan and indigenous in the country they inhabit, there is a place called paxil. Mam maintain the tradition that was born here in the corn, meaning that it was then first cultivated ". Likewise, in the Popol Vuh and the Annals of the Cackchiquel, highlighted that maize was discovered on Paxil, for the fertility of their lands.

sacred plant went spreading to new territories and taking it as such by subsequent cultures. Likewise, the Aztecs made corn the center of daily life and the foundation of their culture. Aztec mythical stories also conceived the corn as the main character, giving gifts and became gods. Fray Bernardino de Sahagun, in "General History of New Spain," said the superstitions which also had the corn is, in the appendix to the fifth book entitled "From the superstitions they used these natural" states: "corn before it throw in the pot to cook have to wheeze about it as giving encouragement to keep track of firing. They also said when corn was spilled on the ground, via which it was forced to take it, and that they took did not insult the corn, and corn was complaining to God, saying, Lord, punish me this was poured and I took it, or Dad hungry because I despise ... "
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