Thursday, March 24, 2011

Corona Monster Energy


justicia y concordia

Dear friends and comrades:

Wednesday March 23, 1911, I went to lunch at the Club del Progreso (in the city of Buenos Aires), where Dr Alberto Solanet, President of the "Civil Lawyers Association for Justice and Harmony ", special guest, expressed this more comprehensive, clear and forceful summary, forwarding an attachment, what happened in Argentina, with regard to the war against terrorism since the 70 and how it affects our day to our beloved nation and the serious dangers of the current situation for the Republic and to all citizens. DO NOT STOP READING IT, AND KEEP SPREADING!

also informed them that Dr Solanet, on Monday, March 28, at 11 pm (ET Argentina), will be interviewed on "Megabaires invites you to think," conducted by Professor Luis Quiroga and Mr. Francisco BORELLO, and broadcast by Radio "Open Connection" Argentina is a radio that comes only through the Internet and can listen

I also get this mail to foreign friends and comrades in the region are experiencing similar situations, so they know the reality of Argentina from the mouth of a distinguished man of the law who chairs the partnership which has, in his little one and a half of life (it was established on 12 Aug 2009), with more than 400 lawyers in Buenos Aires, many of them high prestige in national and international, and as many adherents partners (Not lawyers), among whom I have the honor of meeting. To unite to fight and PIU AVANTI!. Horacio


Ataque Monte Chingolo



probably tomorrow 24 March, the government deployed all its artful liturgy to celebrate the Day of Memory for Truth and Justice "The institution of the holiday and its name shows a biased view partial and misleading story. If memory and truth it is inconceivable that the March 24, 1976 no be considered as the consequence of a deep and chaotic crisis was characterized by degradation, the vacuum of power, corruption and a war waged against terrorism and overwhelming. This was seen at that time by the majority of Argentines.


As always abound in the exaltation of human rights through a genuine performers grossly restricted conception of such rights, as opposed to the essential note of universality that should characterize them. It's a vicious conception, not to walk with euphemisms, that today, for a large part of the Argentines, replaces the law. No longer apply and the constitutional guarantees neither the Code Penalty for those who have been struck by the accusation of having committed crimes "against humanity.

. The terrorist groups that plagued the republic during the decades of the 60 to 80 were intended to repeatedly and publicly declared, to take power by violence in the country, and then establish a Marxist-Leninist system, as in Cuba , whose government I support, shelter, training and means to the rebels who took up arms against the nation to achieve this endeavor.

trepidation in his actions not to murder, steal, kidnap, extort, and commit all sorts of violent attacks not only against the members of the armed forces and FFSS and fittings, but also innocent civilians, politicians, businessmen, and members

The conflict intensified in the 70's, and unfortunately, with the restoration of constitutional government in 1973, the first three steps of Congress and the Executive Branch were to dissolve the Federal Criminal Chamber with jurisdiction to try those accused of terrorist acts to repeal the criminal law sanctioning such conduct, and released indiscriminately to all the accused, tried and convicted of terrorist acts lawfully. Prisoners who were tried with all the guarantees of due process, immediately resumed his criminal activities.

Participated in this irresponsible attitude, not just the ideologues of subversion, which is perched on the puppet government of Campora, but also the full Congress, which passed by acclamation amnesty and the dissolution of the Federal Chamber. In defense argued that the prisoners are already free. Go justification. Not even appealed to the position testimonial. Undoubtedly, this leadership was not up to the circumstances.

The war took an unprecedented intensity. Occurred the most dreadful daily killings, kidnappings, usurpations, attacks on military garrisons and other serious crimes. A real bloodbath.

From of decrees issued by Isabel Peron and Italo Luder, to a chaotic situation which was beyond police institutions, in 1975 ordered the armed forces to annihilate the terrorist actions.

The war continued with its attendant excesses, until finally the attack came under guerrilla control, with very isolated outbreaks of violence.

Assuming the constitutional authorities on December 10, 1983, resolved to prosecute the commanders in chief, substantiated in a case before the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and, simultaneously, they decided to denounce the leaders of the guerrilla actions were limited projection. Instead, courts Federal then started tackling the knowledge of military processes in breach of the warranty judge, moved into the entire chain of command of the armed forces, security and police, without excluding those who wielded more modest hierarchies such as officers or NCOs.

Since 1987, military uprisings that finally emerged were overcome by the laws and due obedience endpoint. Also accused of subversive acts were included by Congress among the beneficiaries of the extinction of criminal actions. Finally, in 1989 and 1990, decrees were passed broad amnesty for all those who participated in the war. Before the stupor

of many who saw beyond the conflict, and driven by ideological motivations and resentment, confrontation revived, and, under the auspices of President Kirchner, was forged asymmetric and unilateral vision of the past half century, according to which the military and members of the forces security were evil murderers who pursued young idealists who only wanted to seek the welfare of the poorer classes. It has been preached in season and out of season, hatred and resentment against a single sector of the war, as if war had broken out without anyone has provoked. Was enhanced and harassment against military and security forces aimed at depriving them of their liberty at any price. False view of the events that took as incontrovertible truth in the development of multiple lawsuits and that has made us forget that the extermination of terrorism had been ordered by the government of General Peron constitutional and cried the whole political spectrum of the years seventies.

Aggressors of civil society are breaded and now stands as the exemplary personalities until they are paid hefty allowances in addition to high positions in government. Such a huge outrage is described in detail in the book "Operation Scoop." The families of conscripts who defended the headquarters of Formosa and gave their lives for country, receive a meager sum of $ 800, while relatives of the terrorist attackers killed by security forces, received amounts ranging between "$ 200,000 to $ 600.0000, calling it" disappeared "and character of these listed on the gravestones built to effect.

As affirmed Abel Posse after the trials of military juntas and many convictions, the violence exerted by order of the State have no legal hope, while the other category of violent, with its thousands of attacks treated unacceptable in any civilized society . "

At the request of the Executive Branch, Congress decided to annul the pardons that were approved by the Supreme Court and Due Obedience laws and an end to criminal proceedings had been extinguished, the amnesty laws that had been declared constitutional by the same High Court. Then the Supreme Court itself through the faults which I shall refer later, following executive orders, allowed the reopening of the process, violating the guarantee of double jeopardy, it is manifestly violated the rule of law, applying retroactive criminal laws, by undermining the republican form of government, ignoring the presumption of innocence that has all the defendants, denying the house arrest those available to them, exceeding in many years the limits on pretrial detention by the American Convention on Human Rights and regulatory law, and executing a wide range of persecutory measures that only serve to deepen discord and frustrate the necessary national unity. The late Alfredo Vitolo, so assiduous in attendance at the house said "revenge Justice if no"

In this way hundreds of soldiers with outstanding service and impeccable career, having been no objections in their respective forces, promoted to hierarchies higher under democracy, some of them decorated by the Congress as heroes in the Falklands War, began to be charged for justice for events almost thirty years ago, arrested and subjected to long imprisonment without sentence or trial. The same state for a constitutional government instructed them to annihilate the irregular forces that plunged the country into violence of a revolutionary war, the same state that passed laws meant three successive amnesties, the same state as neatly reviewed their cases and then remained in business for over fifteen years without question, the same state radically changed its position and set up a relentless pursuit and illegal.

Felix Luna

described this as "return to the past more somber, this attempt to reopen the trial of military reasons, to deny the legal effect of the amnesty granted by Congress in 1987," and said " that in addition of confused me feel sad. We seem unable to solve a problem that nations that suffered civil wars and external fierce-close-knew honorably. The only thing I am sure of is that once and for all will have to close the Pandora's box "

To address this real legal absurdity, we decided to come together and found the Bar Association for Justice and Harmony, having obtained legal status in the middle of last year after serving the year since the signing of the original act. We were two hundred in that time and today we got almost to the four lawyers, plus adherents who share identical ideals. We stress that has built a prestigious group of physicians who are monitoring the health of a thousand political prisoners, imprisoned in different jails.

The question is no longer purely legal but a moral nature. Not the horror of war that is under consideration but systematic alternative option, after nearly forty years since the start of the most violent phase of the war, encouraged hatred and social disintegration, pushing the most extreme to severe and unpredictable reactions. There are now thousands of political prisoners and the number is growing ominously. I say well, these are political prisoners, for processing and closure due to a political decision, absolutely unfounded in any legal budget. Are in prison for having done his duty, having fought in defense of the Nation. That democracy and republic be built on this unfortunate reality. In short we are not in times of peace, true peace, which, as Saint Augustine said, is "the tranquility order ", and in our country there is no order. Born

our group about the visit to the prisons to meet with prisoners, collect their concerns, boost their morale, but at this point usually the opposite happens, they are the ones that give us enthusiasm and courage to follow our efforts. Feel that their unjust imprisonment is another act of service. One of the worst feelings is to assume that the respective forces to which they belong, institutionally hand came loose, leaving them at the mercy of the enemy. After each visit, one built out by the testimony of courage and patriotism that make us sick.

We have not missed a single week visits to various prisons, Marcos Paz, Ezeiza, Campo de Mayo and Villa Devoto. Our activity in the first year of life, has grown steadily. We have reported in various forums this reality, toward society, indifferent and numb, subjected for years to a venomous and unrelenting biased indoctrination campaign, which has managed to destroy the armed forces, without any discrimination. Society in general, political and business leaders turn to face the ominous reality. It is not politically correct to talk about it. Years ago, we noted with amazement that, in the best Stalinist style, closed a claim agreement, the Carlotto and the Ministry of Education, editing of text books to distribute to all schools in the country, whose content and direction idling comments. Lately, he has added, in accordance with the same ministry, a book intended to exalt the figure of Che Guevara, who is presented as a sort of "Robin Hood". This poison, which poisons the soul of our children, from early childhood, there has always, to my knowledge, with few exceptions, the slightest conviction.

The situation today is extremely serious because, contrary to the ruling by the Federal Court when he judged the Commanders, in the sense that the defense had attacked society been monopolized by militarized forces without the participation of officials who met civil activities, has now been extended to these sectors, the responsibility for abuses committed during the war, making a clean sweep with elementary principles of Constitutional Law and Criminal Law years that distinguish the civilized countries. To validate the detention of former Minister of Government of the Province of Buenos Aires, Dr. James Smart, the camera in the district has gone so far as to argue that the mere fact of having accepted and held that office, is sufficient to implicate him in the execution of facts that did not have nor could have any involvement. With this new line of decisions of revenge and has no limits.

reject, also for moral reasons, which make the same legal aberrations with those who attacked the nation yesterday and today enjoy official favors and play very high position in the three branches of federal government. Criminal proceedings against all comers are irreversibly extinct and so must declare at some point the judges, if justice is finally restored. Because, as stated by the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences in its opinion of August 25, 2005, disqualifying the jurisprudential line started from 2004, "Principles of legality, non-retroactivity of criminal law, criminal law more benign, res judicata, acquired rights, not only in the text of the Constitution, but in its spirit and, indeed, are the essence of classic constitutionalism the eighteenth and nineteenth principles have not been modified by the later stages of constitutionalism, which are centuries force and have never been questioned "

judges who condemned themselves to the Boards have expressed their disagreement with this annoying miscarriage of justice. This was expressed in the report published in the supplement "Focus" of the Nation of August 15, 2010, the Dr. Strassera ... "This government wants to extend these trials as a way of waving the flag of human rights; turn the Dr. Ledesma : "Us in 1985, the Boards do not judge crimes against humanity, judging from common crimes, and later added " I believe that if we accept the limitations, I just said that violates the principle of legality , should also be tried today the leaders of subversion " and ends saying "I think the principle of legality can not be repealed by anything because is one of the most important achievements of civilization" Dr. Torlasco for his part said: "Here at this time are being judged events that would normally have been prescribed in accordance with Article 18 of the Constitution. Being judged by the retroactive applicability of the convention on crimes against humanity " Finally Dr. Moreno Ocampo, said " I think the objection Ledesma that crimes against humanity, if not were used in the trials, can not be used for the prescription is valid. Here is a serious limitation "Urge

return to historic channel of the Constitution, including through the remedies that are in the text and that no international convention has been abolished, which would enhance inner peace and overcome the most painful consequences of our war. On this point, the American Convention on Human Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights allowed amnesty and pardon in all cases, "even" for the most serious crimes. "

The 1994 Reform Convention, in the same plenary session that approved the current wording of Article 75, paragraph 22 and gave constitutional status to several international conventions, rejected the claim that crimes against humanity were barred and not subject to amnesty, pardon or switching. How can they now claim that judges quickly trying and convicting those who have already been granted amnesty or pardons for offenses also are prescribed?

All this constitutes a real legal delirium increases the bitterness and resentment, and, as said Recondo, former president of the Association of Judges "The indifference to the law in defense of factional interests. has bottomed out in Argentina " mediate is clearly not genuine legal obstacles that prevent resort to peacekeeping, as did the wise people in Europe and America to quell the hatred engendered by past clashes. In World War II 40.millones people died in Nuremberg sentenced 38 and after 20 years was a single prisoner in Dachau.

Last May, at a ceremony organized in the Plaza Lavalle, across from the Palace of Justice, in commemoration of the assassination of Judge Quiroga, read to you in the neck, an open letter to the Supreme Court of Justice signed by more than 180 lawyers in the City of Buenos Aires, which days later was published in the newspaper La Nacion, by almost a requested page.

manifestábamos Among other things we worried the establishment, through rulings by the Court, from 2003, of a sort of right of two speeds, where the fundamental guarantees contained in the constitution, which proclaimed that same body a hundred and twenty-three, hold for some and others are absolutely ineffective. Over the preceding "Arancibia Clavel," Lariz Iriondo, "" Simon "and" Mazzeo, a military and security forces have been denied rights and principles always for all citizens. Among others, he said, he has ignored the principle of legality, these citizens being tried for crimes called "crimes against humanity" that did not exist as such at the time of the incident, and still have not received legislative treatment to identify themselves as to any offense, thus avoiding the chaos currently prevailing interpretation, and their subsequent use for political purposes against opponents of those in power. Today we can say with great concern, that for an important sector of society, legality and law, have been replaced by ambiguous and vague scheme called "human rights policy."

Only the military and security forces are not given "reasonable time" for trial enshrined in the Pact of San José de Costa Rica, and they aggravate the conditions of confinement, holding remand and people indefinitely of over seventy years old when judges should grant house arrest. Prisons should not be instruments of torture and not ready to get old or sick. This has generated more than 120 died in captivity. Fr Castellani said the corruption of the legal justice is the greatest evil that can befall a nation.

consequence of this intolerable deviation from the administration of justice, based on hatred and revenge, we are a thousand political prisoners. They are political prisoners because its persecution and imprisonment due to political will, with the necessary complicity of legislators overturned such laws, making a clean sweep with a basic principle: Congress can not repeal the laws, but in any case, repeal for the future. Without doubt, the most serious has been the willingness of the majority of the ministers of the Supreme Court, which ended up endorsing these nonentities ..

Gentlemen we are not grouped to claim call process. However we are aware that in the seventies there was a war and Marxist subversion aggressor was defeated in the field of weapons, for those armed forces who fought in defense of the Nation. Changed the battlefield of the old dirty war of the seventies between terrorists attacking and defending military. Has now been resumed, after years of neglect and quiet in this new field: the judiciary, through trial riddled with irregularities and injustices against the accused.

We are aware that blunders were committed in the midst of war. But we are also aware that today, in times of peace, both political power, in which many of the terrorists then have climbed, and judges that are functional transgressors, are conducting this evil plan of hatred and revenge, which also demolished the armed and security forces, leaving, Today, the nation absolutely defenseless against the region and the world.

seems clear that the purpose is to die in prison. They are not prepared for the confinement of persons in excess of forty-five years of average age, and political prisoners easily exceed sixty or sixty-five years, many top eighty. We have seen emblematic cases like the one published in all newspapers, making it impossible to conceal, I mean Martínez de Hoz. Forensic doctors, the cruelty of Judge functional, were lurking, to locate the instant deem suitable, to send him to jail. Other as the General Vertplaetsen, it was encased in Marcos Paz suffering an accelerated process of Alzheimer's, and it was necessary to bring it to the hearing in an ambulance. So could you comment on others, as the case of Commissioner Patti, whose current status is of the utmost gravity, or the one that occurred last month in Cape Marcelo Barberis, who, being still recovering from three by country, is going home detention revoked stop again Marcos Paz. There is no doubt who want them dead. The due process standards do not exist for this justice prevaricating.

Many judges who handle these types of processes have been sent to prison for people he knows or should know that, because of their age or health status, were not able to survive in a prison facility. These people are kept in prison for long periods, or have been revoked home detention they had, despite suffering acute disabilities. Thus these Judges are responsible for the deaths in captivity. From these and other similar events at year's end, our association filed a complaint with the Supreme Court, emphasizing the aberrant situation of discrimination and illegal, accusing the judges involved "for crimes that could range from murder, attempted murder, injury, neglect of people, torture, brutality, and malfeasance, dereliction of duty of public officials, denial and delay of justice, to violation of the care of their prisoners under the command of Article 18 of the Constitution (Arbs. 79, 92, 106, 144 bis Inc. 1, 248, 269 and 273 of the Penal Code). "

These events, which take place only in cases of prosecution of crimes called "crimes against humanity" are contrary to a judicial tradition of decorum and respect for human rights in criminal proceedings. Mean the unfortunate transgression of various regulations protecting human dignity constitutional implications that Argentina has undertaken to ensure to all citizens. These judges should be accountable for the responsibility that they bear.

Among other activities, we attended the hearings in the various processes, and we note that in many cases seem more like a Roman circus than a court. Often with the assistance of Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo and street gangs of those groups left out there. This is the climate and environment that have created their own judges, to install in society the sense that he is the devil himself in the dock. I can not ignore what happened in Cordoba, in the case that follows, among others, Generals Videla and Menendez. In the audience were present the Secretary of Human Rights and former terrorist, Eduardo Luis Duhalde accompanied by Baltasar Garzon, recently separated from the English justice coimero by prevaricating and who is allowed to make statements about the judicial process in order to push a casual judges. It is important that they become aware that there are four lawyers who are looking

. We have reported, and we will not tire of it, that the subjugation of the most basic principles of law, beginning the rule of law, causes any Argentine citizen is on probation, subject to the whims of political power. This is not a presumption rhetoric. We have seen how, from the Presidency of the Republic, promoted the processing and detention of well-known businessmen, linked to the most important means of the press, whom he considers hostile to the aims of the government, accusing them of absurd charges of "crimes against humanity ". Days ago, stunned, we witnessed a true political operation, concocted from the Casa Rosada, in which one of the more conspicuously corrupt judges currently abusing the police, Venegas jailed union leader. We say to those who until now have remained indifferent to this nagging reality that can go through them and their property. The prosecution has no limits.

Yesterday the Chancellor, in one of his repeated excesses, attacked the newspaper La Nation and all officers, for the article published under my signature. With remarkable self-confidence attacked James Smart, Martinez de Hoz, Mrs. Noble and her children and said that "justice should condemn Argentina civilians who were accomplices of the military dictatorship." Long ago, before the journalist Mariano Grondona, said he would not ever be reconciled with those who were responsible and local ombudsmen the so-called "military dictatorship." He also emphasized "that did not need any reconciliation and that this does not alter peace." In addition to the institutional gravity that both statements mean, this character would be dangerously close to inciting a civil war between the Argentines.

In August last year, in an eloquent demonstration of the decay we live, the Chief Justice, Dr. Lorenzetti, accompanied by several ministers and politicians, acquitted positions on the Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, and of course , against the transgressor Garzon, who had the temerity to visit, to oversee the conduct of these treacherous and servile judges like him. On this occasion and at such audience, the President of the Supreme Tribunal of the Republic, declared that "no reverse gear in the trials of human rights," adding that the progress of these causes is not only the result of a political decision but the involvement of all powers, in particular, he emphasized, the judiciary. He continued by stating that "the advancement of human rights trials are the result of the institutional effort of the three branches of government, and stated that he appreciated the decision of Congress to override endpoint laws and due obedience as the Court itself to declare inalienable crimes against humanity. As a grand finale, said he had created a commission to carry forward to the policy of "Human Rights" as a state policy. To make matters worse, on the occasion of inaugurating the judicial year again harping on the same.

Gentlemen, I stretched out in these events the President of the Court, because I consider to be extremely serious. Anticipated that the republic is over makes a clean sweep since the division of powers, commits a gross prejudgment reiterates the huge committed malfeasance in which the Court, evidence that has taken the place of the Penal Code, for a diffuse policy "human rights" and stating that this unfair policy is a policy of state, is ruling out the possibility of reconciliation among Argentines, the contempt for the great principles of law and the abandonment of the law mean the destruction of the civilized coexistence. No citizen should pamper you and let no man of right to denounce it.

At one point, as I said earlier, it looked like the aftermath of the terrible war of the seventies had been passed. All cases that are charged to those who today are persecuted or imprisoned for the events of that war, as well as crimes committed by the rebels today are neither persecuted or imprisoned, are undeniably prescribed. Thus the former are illegally imprisoned and the latter, legally free.

The war was won in the military field, has been lost in the cultural field, in the hands of the enemy. His mentors are close to the government office, which so far is his astute executive arm. See what happens from here on out. Few exceptions, both the judiciary and the legislature have been functional and so today we live in Argentina this climate of hatred, revenge and degradation. Definitely no peace in our country.

We have seen with regret, as in the days of weeping and mourning the death of Kirchner, hypocrisy was the common place of some political leaders who exalted the figure precisely because of its "human rights policy." Also the head of city government, an act completely lifted, and in order for their strenuous efforts to appear "progressive," given the "Bicentennial Medal" to members of the Tribunal that convicted members of the military junta. Evidently did not consider these, as already mentioned, they do not agree with this aberrant prosecution. Of course, these behaviors are not needed contributes to the harmony that should be reached among Argentines, but militates in favor of persecution and violence since the government. I insist there is no peace in Argentina.

is common to almost all political leaders to assert the need to reach a national agreement. It seems essential to take this step, which would be agreed by state policies towards the common good, whose implementation is planned over time, regardless of which would force successive governments to respect them. However, this "Grand Deal" should lead, as a necessary premise, the realization of a general amnesty, which finally closed by the state of anger, revenge, of relentless persecution and all the aftermath of the war against subversion occurred in our country for over thirty years.

Amnesty is an act of mutual neglect, the recipient must return it and who gives it must know that he also receives. Mark an oversight, both past and suffered injustice as referring them to the verdict of justice present or future. So far, with few exceptions, seems to extend our leadership. With regard to pronounce the word amnesty or harmony, some not slow to tear their clothes, showing how far are of political rationality, and certainly the sentiment of the vast majority of Argentines. It is clear that in this hypocritical attitude, talk of amnesty does not appear to be politically correct, because although it is a minority that does not accept it, it takes belief, grandeur and courage to sustain the need for effective, virtues that should emerge in the political arena.

Respect for the law is the only civilized way to achieve justice. We seek to alert society to Argentina, especially our political leaders, the Church and the honest and impartial judges remaining on the urgent need to react to the force of law and order, against the destructive action of this revolution cultural suffer. Millions of Argentines are waiting. We strive for a just order is restored, essential support peace and harmony.

God help us. Alberto Solanet

Club del Progreso, March 23, 2011


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