Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pregnant And Baby Orajel For Tooth Ache



For Emilio Nazar's organize


Corporately, and Santa Federation will emerge stronger, whatever our current condition.

The Golden Calf has repodridos us all that we adore. Let us face the two dangers that have emerged after the destruction of the medieval guilds at the hands of the Masons and the introduction of profit as the end of the person, company and state: the immobile right-and left-destructive. The Company aims at the individual, not the money and generate more money to make more money. Awaken at once!

Yes, for that we must recognize Christ the King, and encourage the civilization of love, of Charity. That is the secret to a political-economic system to function. Not be from the hatred and resentment, but from the personal and social charity where you create the environment to grow in virtue and happiness.

No political messianism, condemned by the Magisterium of the Church is valid. We know that Original Sin has affected every person born, and then affects his life with a tendency to evil, sin. The best socio-political system in the service of sin is the worst system. Therefore, it must seek the best socio-political system in the service of virtue, the only way for a nation get out of prostration to which it is submitted by the International Money Power.

All told, we credit it with Quadragesimo Anno Encyclical, which is then transcribed in their essential parts

91. As everyone knows, has recently launched a special way to organize and corporate, that, given the subject of this encyclical, should be explained briefly

93. Schools and corporations are made delegates of both unions (ie, workers and employers) of the same trade or profession and, as true and proper instruments and institutions, run these same unions and coordination in matters of common interest.

94. Strikes are prohibited, if the disputing parties fail to reach agreement, involving the judiciary.

95. With little to ponder about it, you can easily see how much profit reports this institution, we have outlined very briefly: peaceful collaboration of various types, the repression of the socialist organizations, the suppression of disorders, a special magistrate to exercise authority moderator.

96. But to achieve this noble end and full benefit of a stable and secure, the common good, tried first and, above all, absolutely necessary that suitable and then God help to bring their cooperation to this end all men goodwill.

We are convinced, too, and we deduce from above that this end will be achieved with much greater security the more copious the number of those willing to contribute their technical expertise, professional and social, and also (more thing importantly) the greater the emphasis on the contribution of Catholic principles and practice ...

97. As we have learned about the restoration and improvement of social order can not be done, however, without the reformation of manners, as clearly demonstrated by the history.

There was, indeed, at other times a social order that, while not perfect or complete in all respects, however, given the circumstances and needs of the time, was somehow in conformity with right reason.

And if that order came, it certainly was not because he could not, somehow evolve and expand, adapt to new circumstances and needs, but rather to men, or hardened by an excess of selfishness, refused to extend the limits of that order to the extent that would have suited the growing number of the crowd, and, seduced by a false appearance of freedom and other errors, rebels to any authority, tried to shake off every yoke.

98. It remains, therefore, once again called to trial both the current economic system as socialism, their arch-accuser, and delivered on them a clear and just sentence, to investigate deeply what is the root of many evils and indicate that the first and most necessary remedy lies in the reform of customs.

far transcription of fragments of the Encyclical Quadragesimo Anno.

This is the political and economic system that must be implemented. There is nothing "ideology" (that is for the ignorant and false accusers), or "politics" (which I endorse the ignorant and false accusers). The Social Doctrine of the Church marks the guidelines by which the policy of truth must travel.

Note that the encyclical speaks to suppress socialist organizations, called to suppress the unrest, while peaceful cooperation mentioned the various classes (or rather we should call them strata). But the emphasis is on the "reform customs "reform that goes to Virtue, because change can not be accepted for evil. That is, it needs the personal and social virtues to establish a virtuoso, but that will never be perfect because of human imperfection as a fallen nature, but it can be improved, and more with the help of the grace of God.

This is what we will allow the Santa Federation that existed in Argentina during the time of Brigadier General Don Juan Manuel de Rosas, is again a reality.

And live the Holy Federation!


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