life view of the impending treatment in Congress nation, projects that seek the legalization of abortion, the Church in Argentina called the Year of the Life and called to celebrate especially on 25 March, the Solemnity of the Annunciation and the Day of the Unborn Child.
In this framework, throughout the country, organize events and activities aimed at raising awareness about the need to defend life from conception in all its stages. There will be church services, community prayers, festivals and all kinds of public demonstrations in defense of life.
Year About Life
The November 27, 2010, coinciding with the first Sunday of Advent, was held in Rome and in different parts the world a prayer vigil for the unborn convened by Pope Benedict XVI to thank God for the gift of life and invoke the protection of every human being called into existence.
In joining the initiative of the Holy Father, the Executive Committee of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina called the "Year of Life" to reaffirm "the urgent need to prioritize in our country the right to life in all its manifestations, with special emphasis on unborn children, like our brothers who grow up in poverty and marginalization. " The document made through " 2011: The year of life ", published in October 2010.
On February 25, 2011 the Executive Committee issued another document entitled "Celebrate Life from the beginning ." It expresses its concern "to a mindset that reduces the legal and moral gravity of abortion," and calls to celebrate the March 25, the Solemnity of the Annunciation and the Day of the Unborn Child, asking God to "the strength to transform reality and that every boy and girl, are at birth, home, food and above all healthy and loving arms of parents to guide them and accompany in its growth. "
Some of the activities planned for this occasion are:
Buenos Aires
A Rosary for Life: On Friday 25 March to 18 in the metropolitan cathedral, 8 th will pray the Rosary for Life, in the Year of Life, will be accompanied by a Mass presided by the Archbishop of Buenos Aires and Primate of Argentina, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, SJ. The Rosary is prayed for life on March 25 as the day the Church celebrates the Annunciation, also recalls the presentation of the encyclical "The Gospel of Life "by John Paul II (1995), and in our country, the date was chosen since 1998 as the Day of the Unborn Child. Reports: , and and .
Festival of Life: Organized by the Forum and Family Life, March 26 at 16 will be held the third Festival of Life. Will start at 16 with a march from the Place de los Dos Congresos (Rivadavia and Entre Rios) to Plaza Houssay (Cordoba and Junín). The opportunity is awarded grants diapers and milk for Graves mother and child (Attendance Center Rising Life) and other institutions to assist pregnant women and mothers around the country. Reports: and . Days
Pastoral Care: In Accession Year of Life, will be held at the Vicarage Flower Days Pastoral Care. The meetings will be held in the Basilica San José de Flores from Saturday March 26 for four consecutive Saturdays, between the hours of 9 to 11.30. Reports: .
Gravid Volunteer Training: Gravid held in the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires at the first conference of the year training for volunteer service to life. Will be held on 2 and 3 April in the retreat house of the Sisters Servants of English (Montevideo 1372). Information: (011) 4522-0764 and .
Santa Fe
Week In the Life, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz has a program of activities including film-discussion with the screening of the documentary "The Silent Scream", on 21 March at 19.30 in room Garay (San Martín 1450, Santa Fe) for the general public, in the same room, will be held on Wednesday 23 sample ultrasound in vivo for educational institutions, on March 25, Day of the Unborn Child, will be held at 20 Mass at the Cathedral of All Saints, presided by the archbishop, Monsignor Jose Maria Arancedo, which will be collected clothing infants and pregnant for Graves, and March 27 to 21 will be a Cantata for Life in the courtyard of the Cathedral of All Saints, with free admission (again requested donations of diapers and milk powder for gravel). Information: (0342) 4595791 / 4581780, and .
San Juan
The pro-life groups in San Juan developed a range of activities that run from 21 to 29 March to celebrate the Week of the Unborn Child and Respect to Life. There will be a meeting of pro-life youth leaders today to 20 at the Teatro Municipal of the capital, a rosary and Mass for Life on March 25 at 19.15 in the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist. There will be a celebration Citizen a Torch Run, a panel of politicians and film space. Reports: and . Rosario
Future NGO organizes march 8th Day of the Unborn Child to be held on Saturday March 19 from 10.30 from the square until May 25 the central Plaza Pringles. Culminate in a ceremony that will reflect the need to protect the lives of unborn children and women at risk for abortion who suffer from loneliness. In this framework, collect non-perishable food to be donated to the Maternity Martin. Also with a release of doves will display the flag of the lives of 100 meters long as a symbol of the country to be built. Information: (0341) 155 865 599 (0341) 155 969 542 and . Paraná
March 25 to 20 will celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary, which will be given the blessing to get pregnant and baby diapers (small, medium and large) as a donation for the offering, which will lead then to moms who need them. It also calls on the masses thank each parish and ask for all pregnant women and to be valued and take care of life, which points to the recitation of the Rosary for unborn children and are available to those who wish it, the script of the mass. The initiative has been underway since the Delegation for the Pastoral Care of Family. Information: (0343) 4311440 / 4220684 and . Mendoza
Celebration: On Friday March 25 at 17, opposite the Holy Family parish in Villa Nueva, is hosting the celebration of Day of the Unborn Child with a festival at 17 and at 19.30 Mass presided by the Auxiliary Bishop Mendoza, Bishop Sergio Buenanueva.
Congress: Days 2 and 3 April in Mendoza held the first National Conference on Family and Life organized by the Federal Network of Families, with the aim of presenting to the network, " provide information and insights on current topics that concern us all "and" create a space for meeting, exchange and development of network projects. " There will be exhibitions, workshops, testimonies of life and a visit to the gallery stands of institutions and NGOs that work for life and family. Reports: .
celebrate and honor the life: The Oratorio San Felipe Neri, the Pastoral Care of the Family, Pro-Life Salta and other associations and ecclesial movements of the Archdiocese of Salta are scheduled to develop different activities to celebrate and honor life. There will be activities of an educational, religious, social and cultural. March 25 to 19 will celebrate Mass at the Cathedral, presided by the Archbishop, Mario Antonio Cargnello. There is also an interfaith prayer pray, the blessing will be given to pregnant and delivered socks. Information: (0387) 4222150 / 156050494 / 154418580 / 155060385.
Patronal Feast: In the quasi-parish, Incarnation of the Word, the neighborhood Limache (Salta), the central celebration of the fiesta will be on Sunday March 27 with Mass at 10 followed a procession through the streets of the neighborhood. But from today until Saturday 25 will be prepared to pray the rosary, novena and Mass daily from 20.30. Throughout these days the meditations will focus on family and life. The theme will be "With Jesus and Mary take care of our family" and some of the topics for discussion are: "The family advocate, advocate and teacher of life "," Come with us and respect our elders and the sick "and" Defend the unborn child's life. " Reports: .
La Plata
Organized by the group "choose life", April 3 at 16 will take place the bicycle on the Life VI, to take as a starting point and the plaza Scarred Moreno. The activity is aimed at families and responsible participants requested the donation of a diaper to be delivered to Children's Hospital. Reports: .
A group of youths in the city belonging to the parishes Our Lady of the Rosary and Sacred Heart of Jesus, the city of Monteros (Tucumán), organizes various activities related to defense of life: On 19 March, 8:30 to 12 at the College of the Blessed Sacrament will take place the second Day for Life, which will talk about the theological approach, natural, medical and national and international law, open to followers of any creed. March 25 will take place in both parishes, the Mass for the Unborn Child Day (at 10 at Our Lady of the Rosary and 20 in the Sacred Heart). The third activity will be a March for Life which will be held the same March 25 from 21 from the area known as the "Wye" to the square Bernabe Araoz, whose motto is "Life, Light of men ". Reports: . Rafaela
The Family Ministry of the Diocese of Rafaela, conducted in March a campaign on the Day of the Unborn, whose motto is "Life is a celebration" and through which is proposing to install the theme in society, particularly in youth. For this purpose is provided a series of activities in high schools and universities, and distributed posters in parishes, public places, radio stations, television stations, clinics, hospitals, etc. Information: (03492) 420271 and .
Viva La Familia Network is organizing a Grand Festival for the Day of the Unborn Child, to be held on March 25 from 18 in the complex "The station, with free admission, which serve different musicians and bands local. Reports: and .
The auditorium of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the city of Campana (Rivadavia 413) will host the Day of the Unborn Child of the Diocese of Zárate-Campana. The conference, whose theme is "The Miracle of Life" will be held from 19 to 21 and will be broadcast live by regional television and radio media. Among the exhibitors is the bishop, Monsignor Oscar Sarlinga, who will make a presentation at 20.30. Reports: secretariado.curia.zaratecampana @ .
San Justo
March 25 at 19 the Bishop of San Justo, Bishop Baldomero Carlos Martini, will preside at Mass in the parish of Our Lady of the Mountain (Necochea 4758, La Tablada), ending with the week of life in the diocese. Among other activities, is a feast for Life organized by the Campus Ministry in conjunction with other institutions, to be held on Sunday March 20 at 17 at the corner of Arrieta and Villegas, San Justo, with participation of bands, theater groups and artists. Reports: .
Rio Gallegos
Holy Family Parish in the city of Rio Grande (Tierra del Fuego), will celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord with 25 hours of adoration of the Blessed Sacramento recognizing Jesus in the Eucharist as the Lord of Life. Worship will begin at zero hour on Saturday 25 and will end at 1 on Sunday 26 with the solemn blessing. Information: (02964) 431643, and .
New Homes The Catholic organization called to pray the rosary in the square Italy, Curuzú Cuatiá (Currents) March 25 to 21 (if adverse weather conditions will be held in the auditorium of the Salesian School San Rafael). Reports: .
Mar del Plata: The Bishop of Mar del Plata and the Pastoral Care of Women convened to celebrate the Day of the Unborn Child with Rosary and a Mass in the parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (Santa Fe 2982, Mar del Plata). The call is 25 March at 17, will begin with the Rosary, meditating on the value of life and family, and celebrate Mass 18. As an act of solidarity will be received gowns and towels for mothers admitted to the Maternal and Child Hospital. Reports: .
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