Source: Blog Crux et Gladius expressly
I wanted to stay out of this news for what it means for the Catholic Church and especially for Chilean curia, today and in view of events, I am forced to report so rugged reality.
and can not but seem strange that so much dirt to hide behind them clerimans who denied water and salt to tradition. Hopefully
The Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati, if you do what you have to do, this is a widespread and deep cleaning of the curia and slab Chilean seminars and expel all homosexuals and pedophiles, are Presidents, bishops, priests, monks or officers and that even if left alone and start immediately. Gladius
(do not comment more because I do not want, makes me sick.)
"Melanie, this that I'm going to say now will not always secret, you can publish it in 1858: Priests, my Son's ministers, priests ... for his evil life, by their irreverence and impiety in celebrating the holy mysteries, by their love of money the honors and pleasures, have become cesspools of impurity. Yes, the priests call for vengeance and vengeance is hanging their heads. Woe to the priests and consecrated persons to God for their infidelity and bad life crucify my Son! The sins of those dedicated to God cry to heaven and call for vengeance, and here that revenge is at hand, it is no longer anyone to implore mercy and forgiveness for the people. There are no souls generous and decent person to offer the spotless victim to the Eternal, for the world.
God will punish an unprecedented way. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth ...! God will pour out his anger and no one can escape many evils together.
message of the Blessed Virgin Mary in La Salette to Melanie
Plaintiff in the case, in Zero Tolerance strong statements, said "there are a lot of bishops and priests, homosexuals, hypocrites and abusers."
James Hamilton, center, in recent proceedings in the courts. Whistleblower
if Karadima says "not afraid" to confront the priest Monsignor
Ezatti apologized on behalf of the Church priest abuses Karadima
Karadima Case: Prosecutors will not come to ask the Supreme minister
visit Church calls "unequivocal undertaking" to prevent the recurrence of abuses
SANTIAGO .- The complainant in the case Karadima, James Hamilton, made a series of strong accusations against those who, in his view, were aware of the conduct of a priest and did not take measures against the issue and added that it is known that this type of events occurs for the existence of many gay priests.
In answering why these things occurred in the church, in the "Zero Tolerance", Hamilton said that happened "because a large number of bishops and priests, homosexuals, hypocrites and abusers in the church. I'm not saying all, but a good percentage. "
added that" there are people right now who have had a high rank in the church, who are accused, which are covered and we have seen examples, like Bishop Cox, etc. " said.
"The fact is that there is a string of abuses of pedophilia in the world and I remember in Brazil, makes a years ago, left the cream, with hundreds of priests. Piola happened because it was South America ... but it is a widespread issue. So we think that in Chile only example of Karadima ... We know of other priests very lofty ...", he said.
Asked whom he meant, said that as was not aware and had not been directly affected "could not be so irresponsible to do that" and "I can not go forcing a victim I know the torment that exists ".
Karadima added that "having a circle of people formed with similar habits that continue to operate with impunity."
actions questioned the pastor of El Bosque, Juan Esteban Morales, once known some of the facts attributed to Karadima and Andrew Arteaga, whom he called a "total servility" to the embattled priest. Whistleblower
Karadima concerns in strong terms to the former archbishop of Santiago
James Hamilton Francisco Javier Errazuriz accused of having protected the former pastor of El Bosque, delaying the investigation against him.
A number of complaints against senior members of the Church made one of the principal complainants Karadima case, the surgeon James Hamilton, the Zero Tolerance program Chilevisión. Retrieved
against what ought to be the punishment for those responsible Hamilton said that his main concern is to discover "a circle of people with similar habits" to display, in their view, by Karadima and the former archbishop of Santiago, Francisco Javier Errazuriz pay, as in the opinion of the surgeon, "He has a lot of abuse on his conscience."
"He is a criminal. Since 2004 he had in his knowledge of abuse allegations, which sent the resulting waste investigate psychological support you, because you expect them to do something, but they kept (the complainants) for five years in suspense, prescribed time when the crimes, "he said.
Hamilton confessed to having received threats from people outside the Church by the complaint made and when questioned about their beliefs, said "believe in God, but not being Catholic. Truth is not strong, it is." Hamilton finished
acknowledging that it paid "a fee (personal) huge" throughout this process, including "threats for denouncing the work" - but was grateful to his current employers, and suicidal thoughts that eventually surpassed. Constantly cited psychological treatments which had to undergo to cope.
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