A new case against British Bishop Richard Williamson will take place from next July 2011 in Regensburg, Germany, has become known as the Office. Williamson, who was known for his revisionist views on the massacre of Jews during the Nazi regime, is accused in Germany of inciting racial hatred. The trial, originally scheduled for November 2010 was postponed because Williamson wanted to change lawyers.
Historical revisionism applied to World War II, involves the scientific support of each claim, from a comprehensive vision and not follow mere ideological statements intended to seek some kind of revenue. Historical revisionism has its counterpart in the historical liberalism, while the latter makes an assertion dogma considered "politically correct", but does not meet the historical truth.
The charges against Williamson focus on an interview in Germany for Swedish television in which the bishop, 71, questioned the number of victims of the holocaust and the existence of gas chambers " I think the historical evidence speaks strongly against six million Jews were gassed intentionally in the gas chambers as a premeditated strategy of Adolf Hitler. (...) I believe there were gas chambers. " According to the bishop, the Jewish victims of Nazi regime Germany would not exceed the 200 to 300,000, which implies the recognition of a genocide, but not of the magnitude attributed unproven by the media and world historiography after Germany lost World War II. The so-called "Holocaust" also served to cover war crimes committed by the Allies, as the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were also a civilian target, not military.
Although television interview why Williamson is accused did not intend the German public, was held in Zaitzkofen, near Regensburg, where the headquarters of the Fraternity St. Pius X to which it belongs Williamson, and therefore believe that local justice is to be processed by the British Williamson.
In Germany, Holocaust denial in the official version that spreads worldwide, especially in films, is a crime of incitement to racial hatred and is prosecuted up to six years imprisonment. In April 2010 Regensburg court sentenced Williamson to pay a fine of 12,000 euros, which the judge Karin Frahm lowered to 10,000 euros.
is, for 10 or 12 000 euros you can say that there is a network of lies concocted on "Holocaust." Cost a headache for such a claim, whereas if Williamson detailing all the revisionist version in a legal brief and then published as a book, would be getting for that amount the legal authorization to disseminate historical revisionism.
This book, for text handled in the judicial process, it becomes legal. Moreover, the letter can be presented as a mere manifestation of the Bishop to the German Justice, although this treat it as relevant or as irrelevant, part of the record.
Both the bishop and the prosecution appealed the decision on the application a fine ... and become part of a record in a book can not be considered a crime. CATHOLIC BISHOP
The controversial remarks, broadcast in Sweden in early 2009 after the uprising by the Vatican's excommunication weighing from 1988 on the British bishop and three other followers of the French bishop Marcel Lefebvre founder Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X. It should be noted that the lifting of the excommunication by the pope, means the status of full communion with the Catholic Church bishops, and thus receive such treatment even though no canonical regulation for your situation. The lifting of the excommunication involves acceptance of the actions and posture supported by the bishops and doctrinal orthodoxy. You can not therefore claim to be "bishops Lefebvrists" or "schismatic bishops" or to "disciplinary problems" today, since no one excommunication weighs about the same: are Catholic Bishops.
Because of the interview broadcast in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel Democrat cretiana said, referring to Pope Benedict XVI: "If a decision of the Vatican does cause the impression that the Holocaust can be denied, it has to be clarified. On behalf of the Pope and the Vatican must be stated very clearly that there can be no denial. "Williamson acknowledges
happens that a genocide of about 200 to 300 thousand Jews during the Nazi regime and the situation in which the Vatican has helped thousands of Jews to save his life and property, along with the sentence that the Magisterium of the Church made to departures from the scheme. Williamson does not deny the existence of a genocide, but takes the scientific position of historical revisionism, why is the prosecutor would have to prove that ends in discord with the Justice on an equal footing, and not using the contraption of a presumption of law that has no correlation with the historical truth.
Last November, the magazine Der Spiegel reported that Williamson has chosen to direct his defense Nahrath Wolfram, a notorious member of the German far right, neo-Nazi affiliated Nacionaldemócrata Party (NPD) and the last chief of the banned right-wing youth organization Wiking Jugend (Viking Youth).
The genocide committed by the Nazis against the Jews should not be denied or minimized. But it should not be exaggerated: it should be recognized as historical truth were the facts supporting documentation and a number of elements that contribute to support the claims about himself, in which resides the revisionist approach.
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